ArcWest e-Newsletter | Sent Today

ArcWest sends out the first edition of our quarterly e-Newsletter today.  The goal with the e-Newsletter is to share insights, industry trends, observations and current events at ArcWest.  We want to keep this a casual, open forum of information.  We… Continued

ArcWest participates in GREAT Build

ArcWest Architects participated in the neighborhood volunteer effort organized by KaBOOM to build a new playground for Chaffe Park at 44th  and Tejon Streets in Denver.  Rome may not have been built in a day ... But a playground was. … Continued

Rick Ruffino joins ArcWest Architects

Press Release:    July 30th, 2009 ArcWest Architects is pleased to announce that Rick Ruffino will be joining the ArcWest team on August 3rd, 2009 as a Partner. Mr. Ruffino is a veteran newspaper and publishing executive who brings his corporate… Continued

Feasibility Concept for Denver Mixed Use Project

ArcWest Architects recently completed a due-diligence effort and the feasibility planning for a prospective urban mixed use project being considered for a Northwest Denver Neighborhood. As a step in the feasibility planning process, a due diligence exercise was completed to… Continued

Design Concept for New Nederland Library

ArcWest Architects just completed a submittal in response to a RFQ for the Facility Committee of the (NCL) Nederland Community Library.   We believe it's going to be a very challenging and interesting design for the architect awarded the project.  The… Continued

Facility Planning | Lower Cost of Construction

Current reports show the escalation of construction cost has ended and contraction has already begun.  Commercial building construction costs decreased 5.77 percent in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the fourth quarter of 2008, according to Turner Construction Company. … Continued

New Facility Consolidates Offices

The international journal: Newspaper and Technology featured an article which highlights key features of the new Skagit Valley Publishing Facility in Washington complete with photos.   ArcWest Architects is very proud of the new facility, and would  like to thank all… Continued

It’s “Time to Plan” Facility Projects

Most businesses and households as well, appear to be in a state of survival (hide in my shell) mode as the news continues to cast deeper shadows about current economic conditions.  Foregoing the extent of the economic state, be it… Continued

Go Skagit!

ArcWest Architects visited the Skagit Valley Publishing Facility last week to witness the building occupied and in operation.  The initial reaction to the new facility is very positive.  Typical with any building project that transitions from construction to owner occupied,… Continued

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