Skagit Valley Publishing Facility is Open

ArcWest would like to share the news: the Skagit Valley Publishing Facility is open for business.  It's always bittersweet at this phase of the project in which we are sad to come to the end of the work process; however,… Continued

Happy New Year !

ArcWest Architects hopes that our clients, business partners, friends and family are all enjoying a very nice holiday.  With the end of the year just a few days away, ArcWest would like to extend our best wishes to everyone for… Continued

What is “Service Oriented Architecture”?

You are meeting with prospective Architects and you hear the statement once again "We are service oriented consultants" or you are looking through marketing literature and you note the bullets indicating the firm is "A service oriented organization.  What does… Continued

How to Choose an Architect?

You have a vision for a prospective project, and have completed initial budgetary financial planning.  Now ... How to choose an architect? Selecting the right architect for your project, from a small scale private residence to a large complex multi-faceted… Continued

Industry Specific Consultant or Newspaper Architect

The industry Specific Design Professional goes by many names, including Newspaper Architect, Media Architect, Publishing Architect, Print Media Consultant, and Print or Publishing Facility Designer to name a few.  One thing that all of the names have in common is… Continued

Renovate Facilities to Create Green Buildings

I wanted to share a thought from an article posted on the Greener Buildings website.  The piece reinforces the many options an owner or company has when considering the renovation or construction of a new facilities to integrate "green" building… Continued

New Building – Facility Project Construction Update

ArcWest Architects is eager to share our updated project page on the website highlighting the new Pioneer Newspapers - Skagit Valley Publishing Facility. The ArcWest webpage has been expanded with numerous building construction photographs documenting the new facility project's evolution.… Continued

Design for Newspaper Offices – Rightsizing Opportunities

Front-Office Design RIGHTSIZING - Creates OPPORTUNITIES Plunging advertising revenue and increased operating cost are changing the way newspaper organizations operate.  To substantially reduce cost, product size is being reduced, production is being consolidated and facilities are being closed. Historically, reductions… Continued

Building a Team – Going beyond Grand Junction

ArcWest Architects joined Denk Associates Engineering with other local Coloradoans from Denver for a Team Building Session in Moab Utah the weekend of October 11, 2008. After the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel project went on hold, the ArcWest Office had… Continued

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