Under the category of “Back to the Future”, ArcWest Architects partner Kevin Anderson received the 2015 Mayor’s Design Award for our redevelopment and adaptive reuse of an older single family home for the new office of Bradford Real Estate. The “Back to the Future” category description: “These projects involve the preservation and adaptive reuse of historic buildings. They not only pay respectful tribute to Denver’s rich architectural history, but also ensure that these sites will continue to thrive and stir the imagination in a new century.”

The following provided by Denver Community Planning and Development highlights the key aspects and features of the project:
“2956 W. 32nd Ave., Mayor’s Design Award Winner, Back to the Future. Sitting in a busy spot just off of Federal Boulevard in the Highland neighborhood, this small Craftsman-style gem was thought to be a likely target for demolition by many of its neighbors. Thanks to a first-class renovation, however, the former eight-room boarding house now serves as a fully functional real estate office, boasting numerous modern amenities including ADA accessibility, a 6.25 KW electric solar panel system and an electric vehicle charging station. The new use is at home on this commercial corner of West 32nd, while the structure itself remains a link to the neighborhood’s character and history.”

Here’s a look back to the condition of the original Craftsman Style Home prior to the proposed design and construction of the renovation as improved for the new Bradford Real Estate Office. You can view more information about the the ArcWest design and project in an earlier blog.