Lakeside Redevelopment | Potential Missed

Architects, planners and developers should take inspiration from the mixed use, pedestrian friendly 2 and 3 story buildings, moderate density fabric of Tennyson street. An urban plan of buildings of similar diversity and scale integrated with open space parks that link to Lake Rhoda could be a concept which would offer much more potential to the immediate and adjacent communities for the Lakeside Redevelopment.

Restaurant Design | The Design Process

The restaurant concept should be identified early on tandem to the vision for the culinary menu – Menu and Concept should be paired. This will reinforce the direction and decisions for the program and design.

Restaurant Design | Commercial Kitchen Considerations

The bigger the establishment equates to a more complex project with additional issues. Regardless of the scale of an eating place, all restaurants share common components that must be planned and carefully organized.

Facility Planning Experience is Universal

ArcWest is proficient in numerous project types: Office, Manufacturing, Warehouse, and Information Technologies. The key is not the built project type, but the depth of project planning experience, such as feasibility studies, masterplanning, building design, space planning, engineering coordination, process integration, equipment coordination, programming, project management, etc.

Kind Letter from a Recent Client

One of the best moments during the course of a project is to receive some acknowledgment near the end of the process that the work was completed to the satisfaction of your client, and it was a job well done. We recently experienced that moment as we just received a kind letter from our past … Continued

Architectural Curb Appeal

ArcWest Architects can help with creative design, economical solutions and conceptual feasibility studies for maximum commercial effect. To get a better understanding of what is possible and the approach our recent clients have taken, please visit our web site.

‘The Hole’ | Opens for Business

ArcWest Architects is excited to announce The “Hole” Bakery and Restaurant on Tennyson Street is finally open for business. It’s that bitter sweet time in which we are thrilled to see the completion of a commercial project we have been working on for so long.

The Hole | Bakery under Construction

Design and engineering for the remodel of what was previously a retail shoe store to be retrofitted for a new retail business: bakery, coffee shop, restaurant and bar

Commercial Architecture | Lower cost to build

Denver Post article “Recession’s silver lining: cost to build” confirms what ArcWest has shared earlier – Now is the time to build since the cost of construction is lower.