ArcWest e-Newsletter | Sent Today

ArcWest sends out the first edition of our quarterly e-Newsletter today.  The goal with the e-Newsletter is to share insights, industry trends, observations and current events at ArcWest.  We want to keep this a casual, open forum of information.  We… Continued

Design for Newspaper Offices – Rightsizing Opportunities

Front-Office Design RIGHTSIZING - Creates OPPORTUNITIES Plunging advertising revenue and increased operating cost are changing the way newspaper organizations operate.  To substantially reduce cost, product size is being reduced, production is being consolidated and facilities are being closed. Historically, reductions… Continued

Green and Energy Efficient Printing Operations

What the 2008 ING conference said to ArcWest Architects.  Aside from a continued recognition that the newspaper industry is struggling to find its way in the 21st century, the conference provided two important lessons. Lesson #1, there is significant money… Continued

Facility Flexibility

What is a Flexible Newspaper Facility and how does the Architectural Design team plan for the future? The traditional approach to ultimate flexibility in the design of a flexible facility by Newspaper Architects has been to allow for additional space… Continued

Changes in the Newspaper Industry

Upon reading the article by Chuck Moozakis, of Newspaper & Technology it becomes more clear that the industry surrounding newspapers is due to change forever.  The real question is "Is this really a doomsday prophesy?"  We believe not.  What successful… Continued

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