Facility Planning | Lower Cost of Construction

The decrease in construction cost will certainly improve both the level of and length of time for a return on investment in a capital project. Taking into effect the continued decline, and the time required to bring a project to fruition, it is truly “Time to Plan”.

It’s “Time to Plan” Facility Projects

We all want to be in the best place to take advantage of the market when funds start to flow freely again. There are numerous sub-topics and side debates to this overarching issue, the main point to make is that the current conditions actually presents a golden opportunity for positioning a company and business model by planning capital projects now. Timing is everything!

What is “Service Oriented Architecture”?

Service Oriented Architecture differs from many approaches to the field in that it is rooted in one simple question, “How can we best assist the client in realizing their goals”.

How to Choose an Architect?

Selecting the right architect for your building project can be daunting …. “How to Choose an Architect” is a synopsis with key thoughts to consider to minimize the angst when looking to select an architect for a construction project.

Industry Specific Consultant or Newspaper Architect

The industry Specific Design Professional goes by many names, including Newspaper Architect, Media Architect, Publishing Architect, Print Media Consultant, and Print or Publishing Facility Designer to name a few.  One thing that all of the names have in common is that they refer to a consultant who is well versed, and experienced in design that … Continued

Design for Newspaper Offices – Rightsizing Opportunities

Front-Office Design RIGHTSIZING – Creates OPPORTUNITIES Plunging advertising revenue and increased operating cost are changing the way newspaper organizations operate.  To substantially reduce cost, product size is being reduced, production is being consolidated and facilities are being closed. Historically, reductions in front office staff news reporters, advertising reps. and graphic artist were off limits.  It … Continued

New Residential Architecture Projects on ArcWest’s Website

ArcWest Architects is excited to announce that there is a new “Residential Architecture” section under our projects tab on the website.  Look to see more of our local Denver and regional residential projects information added to the website which have been completed or are currently in process.  The goal with the new Residential Architecture section … Continued

Facility Flexibility

What is a Flexible Newspaper Facility and how does the Architectural Design team plan for the future? The traditional approach to ultimate flexibility in the design of a flexible facility by Newspaper Architects has been to allow for additional space in the facility or the procurement of additional land such that the facility could be … Continued