ArcWest participates in GREAT Build

ArcWest Architects participated in the neighborhood volunteer effort organized by KaBOOM to build a new playground for Chaffe Park at 44th  and Tejon Streets in Denver.  Rome may not have been built in a day ... But a playground was. … Continued

Feasibility Concept for Denver Mixed Use Project

ArcWest Architects recently completed a due-diligence effort and the feasibility planning for a prospective urban mixed use project being considered for a Northwest Denver Neighborhood. As a step in the feasibility planning process, a due diligence exercise was completed to… Continued

Design Concept for New Nederland Library

ArcWest Architects just completed a submittal in response to a RFQ for the Facility Committee of the (NCL) Nederland Community Library.   We believe it's going to be a very challenging and interesting design for the architect awarded the project.  The… Continued

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