ArcWest Gives Back | Colorado Gives Day

ArcWest Architects is proud to be active in our local community and we support a variety of local nonprofit organizations throughout the year. Our team recently participated in the 2021 Colorado Gives Day, an annual day of giving in our… Continued

Habitat for Humanity | ArcWest Partners Volunteer

The ArcWest partners, Todd Heirls and Robin Adams, volunteered recently for a "Habit for Humanity" residential building project locally in Denver.  The project superintendent (Trevor) started the morning introduction with the "safety speech" ... Typical stuff such as wear your… Continued

ArcWest participates in GREAT Build

ArcWest Architects participated in the neighborhood volunteer effort organized by KaBOOM to build a new playground for Chaffe Park at 44th  and Tejon Streets in Denver.  Rome may not have been built in a day ... But a playground was. … Continued

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