New LoHi Residence | Architecture & Engineering Complete

Construction documentation for new 3,000 square foot home design to be built in the LoHi neighborhood of Denver have been submitted for permit. Interviews with contractor(s) to bid the project are in progress. Once the final budget has been reviewed and approved it’s expected construction will start soon after..

ArcWest Architect’s Interview

ArcWest Architect’s discusses with CNTV our wide rangeof professional architectural services; snapshots of a few recent building projects exemplifying our experience and skills;and background of the firm’s start and core philosophies.

Decks, Deli’s and Due Diligence

ArcWest Architects has been working on decks for both residential and commercial projects. Currently ArcWest is preparing construction documents for a new Deli Restaurant to be located in downtown Denver. At the other end of the spectrum, we have assisted a client in the early planning phases with master planning, due diligence and feasibility studies for a new 24,000 sf light industrial facility.

Residential Project in NW Denver

… new residential project in the northwest Denver “Sunnyside” neighborhood. Proposed design is a contemporary home which nicely integrates with the site …

New Wellness Center opens in NW Denver!

ArcWest Architects assisted the Wellness Center with the required documentation to submit and obtain a “Change of Use” permit. We can assist with a preliminary building evaluation, project feasibility, conceptual design, and all building permit submittal requirements.

ArcWest | News Brief

Robin Adams is certified as a LEED professional.
ArcWest & Shipley Design has entered a Design-build competition sponsored by AIA Denver and Habitat for Humanity Colorado.
ArcWest is working on a multi-acre site master plan, as well as a smaller manufacturing office remodel.

Change of Use | Change of Occupancy

Depending upon the scenario an owner may be considering, ArcWest Architects can support the process. Whether submitting an application for a “change of use” for a simple adaptive reuse, or diligence and feasibility for a proposed business and building, or for a more in depth renovation project requiring a change of use, ArcWest Architects can provide the professional assistance required.

On the Boards | ArcWest Architectural Projects

It appears finally (fingers crossed) that our efforts are being rewarded. ArcWest is very excited to share the news about the following work currently on the “boards” in the office.

Lakeside Redevelopment | Potential Missed

Architects, planners and developers should take inspiration from the mixed use, pedestrian friendly 2 and 3 story buildings, moderate density fabric of Tennyson street. An urban plan of buildings of similar diversity and scale integrated with open space parks that link to Lake Rhoda could be a concept which would offer much more potential to the immediate and adjacent communities for the Lakeside Redevelopment.