Change of Use | Change of Occupancy

ArcWest Architects has worked with various clients and project types to support the process of submitting an application for the change of use, or change of occupancy with municipal building departments. This need most often arises when an individual or… Continued

Building Design | Applying ArcWest’s Experience

It may seem like a bit of a contradiction ... However, in recent years with the economic pressures on the design and building industry, ArcWest Architects has focused on diversifying our practice and scope of technical services.  ArcWest's background core experience… Continued

On the Boards | ArcWest Architectural Projects

The office has endeavored to reach fresh clients of different project types from the early days the company was founded.  It has been challenging to reach these prospective clients and be commissioned for a new variety of building or renovation… Continued

Habitat for Humanity | ArcWest Partners Volunteer

The ArcWest partners, Todd Heirls and Robin Adams, volunteered recently for a "Habit for Humanity" residential building project locally in Denver.  The project superintendent (Trevor) started the morning introduction with the "safety speech" ... Typical stuff such as wear your… Continued

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